The easiest way to the Giant Mountains is by car (unfortunately).
There will be a bus to the Bike-Festival from Prague and Brno on the 22.- 24.06.2007!
We will publish their schedule within the next weeks.
You will have to make reservations for the coaches!
By car:
From the West - via Praha, Mladá Boleslav, Jičín, Nová Paka, Vrchlabí into the center and on via Trutnov to the eastern Krkonose Mountains; via Praha, Mladá Boleslav, Turnov and Semily, towards Harrachov to the westlern Krkonose Mountains.
From the North/Northwest - via Liberec (Reichenberg), Jablonec, Tanvald into the western part and on via Jilemnice, Vrchlabí to the central and eastern part.
From Poland - passing the border in Harrachov in the west or Pomezní Boudy in the east (cars only).
From the South - via Hradec Kralové, Trutnov and on towards Pec pod Snežkou or Žacléř to the eastern part, via Vrchlabí into the central and via Harrachov into the western part.
By train:
There are connections from Prague and Liberec, but you will have to change trains several times.
By bus:
Buses are leaving from Prague almost hourly for the central part of the Krkonose Mountains to Vrchlabí and Špindlerův Mlýn. From Liberec there are several buses per day leaving for the eastern and central part.
We would be pleased to help you with your travel. Simply mail us your arrival time in Prague or Liberec and we will find adequate bus connections for you.
By plane:
The closest airport is in Prague.
To the Bike-Festival:
There will be a bus from Prague and Brno on the 22.- 24.06.2007! On Friday afternoon and on sunday afternoon back.
You will have to make reservations for the coaches!